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We're easy to find, but here's a map!
How to get to Indulgences Day Spa
Take I-25 south to I-70 west. Exit Federal. Turn left onto Federal and follow previous instructions from Southwest above.
Take US 36 (Boulder turnpike) to Federal exit. Turn right onto Federal and continue heading south until 41st Ave. You will see Indulgences on the corner of Federal and 41st Ave.
Go to Speer. Take Speer north through downtown, over I-25 continuing northwest, and turn right on Federal. Follow previous instructions above.
Take 6th Avenue east to I-25 North. Follow previous instructions from the Southeast directions above.
Take I-25 north to exit 212B, Speer Blvd North. Take Speer north to Federal Blvd. Turn right onto Federal and go up to 41st Ave. You will see Indulgences on the North East Corner of Federal and 41st Ave.
Take C470 north to 1-70 east. Proceed east on 1-70 to the Federal exit. At the top of the ramp, turn right. Continue to 41st Ave and turn Left. You will see Indulgences at the corner of Federal and 41st Ave.